Thursday, August 29, 2019


Wondering! Asking! Curious! This defines my 3rd and 4th graders.  Things I never think to wonder about are fascinating to them.  

Wondering! Why does the celery have less mass today than yesterday?  What changed? We thought about it and realized that leaving it out for 24 hours meant that the celery lost water.  Wow, wasn't that cool!

Wondering! Things that as adults we don't even think about.  "Mrs. Hartzell, is the grasshopper a girl or boy?"  Goodness I don't think I ever wondered but now that its asked I wonder.  How would you even tell the gender of a grasshopper.  We went to the internet to figure it out.  We love to look up real information on the internet. We found that male grasshoppers have a wider, swollen end on the abdomen while the female's more slender abdomen has two things that protrude from the end of it.

Male                                                                   Female
comparison: male and female redlegged grasshoppers - Melanoplus femurrubrum - male - female

Why would they even wonder the gender of grasshoppers?  We currently have 3 grasshoppers in our classroom to feed our praying mantis.  Yep, you guessed the next question. What is the gender of our praying mantis?  Another thing I never ever wondered until today.  So we headed to the internet to find out the answer.  We found that female mantis's have an abdomen with 5 segments and a male has an abdomen with 7 segments.

Wondering! Asking! Curious!  May my students never loose the desire to find out about the world around them.

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Wondering! Asking! Curious! This defines my 3rd and 4th graders.  Things I never think to wonder about are fascinating to them.   Wonder...